giovedì 14 luglio 2016

Who is a Perfect Villainess?

Special thanks to Reinhard, official photographer at Perfect Villainess (

Reinhard, why and how the femme fatale can be more sensual than an honest lady?

Well, at the college one could have been asked four pages on such a question. Obvioulsly there are many possible interpretations of the whole thing and many different appreciations. I'll limit myself to one.
According to the classic definition of the femme fatale portrayed in film noir, the femme fatale resorts to murder generally to free herself from an unbearable relationship with a man who would try to possess and control her. Following this, what may make her more attractive is the 
kind of resoluteness which draws respect, not to say admiration, mixed with a perception of dangerousness. When you add up these elements you have all you need for a bizarre, complex kind of seduction, the vivid human imagination doing the rest.

What is the perfect clothing for a perfect villainess: skirt or trousers? And you, what do you prefer?

Again there is a wide range of possibilities. When working on a future photo shoot, when it comes to imagine characters I try to choose the outfits to match the model's kind of femininity & personality, but sometimes I choose the exact opposite. I may be sometimes more driven to long leather skirts, nylons & high heels, but on the other hand I do love female warriors in pants, tank top & combat boots as well.

I know few femmes fatales in real life, I'll have a photo shoot in August with a friend of mine who's a professional dominatrix, I'll ask her.